IGS welcomes Dr. Alex McKeown as Head of Data Ethics

We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Alex McKeown as our Head of Data Ethics at IGS. Alex will lead our ethics offering to our existing and new clients. Never has the world of data and AI needed more ethics input that it does now, and we are super excited to have landed such an eminent expert in this space. Alex received his PhD in bioethics from the University of Bristol in 2014, and in 2017 took up his current post at the University of Oxford, where he is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Psychiatry and Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities. During this time, he has also been a visiting tutor at the Yale University Summer Institute in Bioethics. Alex has contributed ethics expertise for data and AI projects in Alzheimer’s disease and mental health, for a range of funders including the UK Medical Research Council, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, the EU Innovative Medicines Initiative, and has published articles on a range of issues in data ethics. Alex will lead our team of ethics consultants at IGS.  

A little quote from the man himself:

“I’m delighted to take up this exciting opportunity as Head of Data Ethics at Information Governance Services, establishing a data ethics consultancy offering for new and existing clients. Understanding the ethical implications of data handling processes, as well as their legal status, is key to ensuring good data governance. I look forward to working with Taj and the rest of the team to lead the development of this vital capacity within IGS’ suite of data governance services.


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