AI Assessment

Legally Trained Consultants

Adapting to new regulatory frameworks

Regulators are looking at new ways to control and assess AI models because AI systems’ eventual failures and weaknesses may have dramatic consequences. Potential harms may be caused to individuals, society, your organisation or an entire ecosystem. For example, it can have an impact on civil rights and freedoms, discrimination towards sub-groups, your organisation’s reputation, or the public trust.

Various countries have implemented, or are looking at implement, new regulatory frameworks that apply to AI systems.  As organisations around the world adapt to the GDPR, organisations may need to consider the requirements of the EU AI Act or US Executive Orders.


The steps in developing an AI system – building, feature engineering, training, testing and validation –can be assessed based on:

  • Safety, security and robustness
  • Fairness
  • Transparency
  • Accountability
  • Governance

Assessing AI systems before using or marketing them is vital to prevent harm and potential liabilities. In addition to your data protection impact assessment, we make sure you have the necessary resource and expertise to conduct an algorithmic impact assessment.

Legally Trained Consultants

Algorithmic impact assessment

We are here to assist:

Our Services

We provide a full data protection and information governance consultancy service to all our clients who engage with us. We provide flexible packages and services to make sure that you only pay for what you need, so you aren’t paying for unnecessary services. Whatever you and your organisation need, we are here to help.

Data Protection Advice and Consultancy

Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)

External Independent Reviews


Data Protection Officer Services

Fair Processing Materials

Data Protection Health Check

Assistance with Policy Development

Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT)

Record of Processing Activities (ROPA) & Information Asset Registers (IAR)

Packaged Services

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